Catalogo parziale dei cimeli cinematografici e del precinema dell'Archivio Siciliano del Cinema di Palermo.


Cimeli e apparecchi

Cinema Museum

Proiettore cinematografico 35 mm (c. 1898)

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Collezione: Archivio Siciliano del Cinema, Palermo.

Categoria del cimelio: Proiezione cinematografica luminosa

Nome del modello: Projecting Kinetoscope

Luogo di fabbricazione: New Jersey, Orange, USA

Anno di fabbricazione: a partire dal 1898

Copyright della foto: Archivio Siciliano del Cinema, Palermo, Italia.



Tipo d'apparecchio:

Guida pellicola da 35 mm tramite croce maltese a quattro punte; due debitori dentati; braccio erogatore e ricevente; finestra regolabile; otturatore a una lama.


Edison Thomas Alva


Edison Manufacturing Company, Orange, New Jersey


Edison Manufacturing Company, Orange, New Jersey

Dimensioni dell'oggetto:

Lunghezza: 34,5, larghezza: 24, altezza: 57 cm

Dimensioni della scatola da trasporto:

N. d.


Placca metallica: "Edison Projecting Kinetoscope, manufactured by Edison MFG. Co, Orange, N.J., USA. N° 33". | "Edison projecting-kinetoscope. This marvelous instrument, the latest product of the Edison laboratory, projects apparently living figures and actual scenes upon a canvas or screen. Its represents the very highest branch in the art of photography : that of bringing before the eye an exact life size reproduction of life motion with all ilts accompanying effects of light, shade and expression. [...] Steadiness. the absence of any vibratory or wavering motion in the projected scene. This is accomplished by improved steadying devices. No flickering. A brillant light without any unpleasant flickering is produced by a specially designed Hand Feed Arc Lamp, which is provided with resistance coil and is suitable for use on any direct or alternating current of not over 200 volts. Power. Hand Motor which can always be relied upon to do the work and do it properly, with which Tableaux effects can be accomplished and the speed of reproduction can be regulated to na nicety in conformity with the action of the subject. [...] Large picture. It projects a picture even greater than life size, if desired, without distortion or indistinctness and also without the use of special gauge film, being made to Edison Standard. It is fitted with a special "Wide Angle" objective lense giving a field to feet high by 13 1/3 feet wide, at a distance of about forty feet from screen ; proportionately larger or smaller pictures may be had by increasing or decreasing this distance. [...] Simplicity. Only one operator is necessary, whereas almost every other machine requires two. [...] Adaptability. The complete instrument is mounted on a hardwood base board which can be placed upon any ordinary table or stand. It is furnished with a spool bank for endless films which will allow the repretion of a scene any number of times and enables immediate answer to an encore. It also has reels for "feed" and "take up" each of which has a capacity of at least six 50 foot film strips. [...] Projecting Kinetoscope, "97" Model, $ 100, £ 21, inclunding Hand power mechanism. Wide angle objective lenses. Extra quality condensing lense. Improved hand feed arc lamp. Russia iron lamp house. Resistance coil in sheet iron casing. Spool bank (detachable) for endless films. Three reels capacity six 50 foot films each. Oak case with carrying handle (for mechanism when not in use). Knife switch with all connections. Oil can and bottle oil" (brochure Edison Projecting-Kinetoscope "97" Model, New York, Maguire & Baucus, 189.


Brochure Edison Projecting-Kinetoscope "97" Model, New York, Maguire & Baucus, 1897.


Cat. ASC-CM-362


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